Thoughts Aloft
Random synaptic firings, musings, and essays on things that matter: family, aviation, the environment, software development and attendant geekitude. Plus the occasional pinko leftist please-save-my-beloved-country rant.
30 September 2008
26 September 2008
Future Shock and Sarah Palin
A very interesting little essay on Toffler's old concept of "Future Shock" and how it affects our political world.
19 September 2008
It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
You need to go to Woot and listen to today's podcast. Really. Trust me on this one.
It's a Bluetooth product today (of course).
And the podcast is another Bluetooth shanty (of course).
And the shanty is all about TLAPD! It's hilarious.
You need to go to Woot and listen to today's podcast. Really. Trust me on this one.
It's a Bluetooth product today (of course).
And the podcast is another Bluetooth shanty (of course).
And the shanty is all about TLAPD! It's hilarious.